THE TEMPORARY RADIO FOR FRESH AIR AND A WORLD WITH LESS WALLS was a radio project transmitting live local FM radio for four days in May 2013 from the exhibition space Kunsthal Aarhus in Denmark.
The Temporary Radio formed a platform, from which 18-20 radio activists and artists from Germany and Denmark experimented with a broad variety of radio programs and formats:"Radio Hypnosis for Learning through Unlearning (RHLU)", "Radio Ballet for empty spaces - a space extending choreography," a participatory choreography that let the listeners activate unused spaces and buildings in the city, the quite dysfunctional call-in-show; "The Squirrel-Seashell-Leprechaun Show", "Radio while you work slowly (or) Radio to help you stop working" an attempt to slow down production through radio and "Radio for people on the inside of the walls - About breaking in - and breaking out (and) Strategies against architecture" a program for the people inside the prison of Århus... just to name a few.
The main idea behind the The Temporary Radio was to bring fresh air to utopian ideas by asking the questions: What do we want and what can we do? - an attempt to explore the subversive potential of radio art.
The project was an artistic construction site a place for collective experimentation and research. An attempt to transgress the visible and invisible walls between the fragile, the political, between art and life.
THE TEMPORARY RADIO was initiated and organized by
Louise Vind Nielsen
(b. 1984 in Denmark)
Radio-, sound- and performance artist and activist,
lives and works in Gängeviertel, Hamburg.
2008 - 2013
DJK - Jutland Academy of Fine Arts, Århus, Denmark.
2011 - 2012
Timebased media at HfbK - Hochschule für bindende Künste Hamburg.
Prof. Michaela Melián
LIGNA Klasse w. Ole Frahm and Torsten Michaelsen.
2011 - Now "Radio Perfect" @ Freie Sender Kombinat, Hamburg.
Louise Vind Nielsen "explores, through her often performance or sound-based pieces, visual arts as a field that can go beyond and alter normatively regulated perceptions of society. This field can in the artistʼs own words be coined ʻabstract activismʼ since it unfolds between the artistic free imagination and an active engagement in the world around us (...) artistic sensibility combined with a palpable agency."
Rhea Dall - Curator and art critic.
"By breaking down the barriers between art and everyday life, and insisting on collective activism Louise Vind Nielsen is graduating from DJK as an avant garde artist. Strong work!"
Henrik Broch-Lips - Journalist and art critic.
Radio is an invisible space without walls that allow us to reach outside the frame of the art institution, and gives us the possibility of entering both public and private spaces - Radio runs in and out of offices, shopping malls, prison cells, public spaces, art spaces, working spaces, class rooms and bedrooms - A potential for us to break down the visible and invisible walls between the fragile, the political, art and life, between the possible and the impossible.
Behind the project is an open radio collective of activists, amateurs, poets, queers, artists, intellectuals, musicians, craftsmen and human beings from different places and different cities. The collective works from the thesis that radio should be a space for collective process, critical research, experimentation, failure and learning. This space is necessary for a cultural and political education of the people involved in radio - Both in the act of producing and the (also important) act of listening to radio. It’s important that the listener knows that the place of transmission is nearby, so that she has the possibility and potential of visiting the studio and changing her role from being a listener into being the producer.
